In the future we see our product as being a massive breakthrough in the world. It will solve so many day to day problems; it will change the lives of many people making travel, communication, and just life in general will be much more convenient. We see our product as a device for recreational use and for the blind. Our device will be advanced in some ways and simple in others. For recreational use our clients will need to have a tiny device surgically implanted into their head, sort of like a micro sd card. What this card will do is it will basically shut down the body, and override visual sight so all the places in the artificial world will be viewed by the client, but their body will be shut off, which would resolve the vast problem of boredom worldwide. For the blind what will happen is the micro sd chip will still needed to be implanted into the clients head, but for the blind aspect of this the client would be required to get a special pair of contacts which are like glasses with just the glass itself, that have built in microscopic cameras built in. These cameras will work like a live monitor in which the cameras send the images to the device in the head, and will play like a live monitor wherever the person is which will allow blind people to see, but in a more complicated fashion. We predict our technology will be possible in 5-10 years. is paragraph text. Double click here to edit and add your own text.